List of florilegia and botanical codices
A timeline of illustrated botanical works to 1900.
1-100 CE
501-600 CE
1750-73 Nuremberg Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum Elizabeth Blackwell (1700–1758)[1]
- 1801 Paris Histoire des Chênes de l'Amérique André Michaux (1746–1802) Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840)
- 1801-09 Vienna Icones et descriptiones Graminum austriacorum Nikolaus Thomas Host
- 1802-12 Vienna Descriptiones et icones plantarum rariorum Hungariae Pál Kitaibel (1757–1817) Franz de Paula Adam von Waldstein (1759–1823) Karl Schutz Johann Schutz
- 1802-15 Paris Les liliacées Redouté (1759–1840) de Candolle François de Laroche Alire Raffeneau-Delile Louis-Jean Allais (1762–1833)[1]
- 1802 Astragalogia, nempe astragali Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840) [13]
- 1804 Paris Voyage à l’ouest des Monts Alléghanys François André Michaux (1770–1855)
- 1804-12 Pomona Britannica George Brookshaw (1751–1823)
- 1807 Paris Le voyage aux régions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799-1804 Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) Aimé Bonpland (1773–1858)
- 1807-20 Uppsala Flora Capensis Carl Thunberg (1743–1828)
- 1808 Paris Fleurs et Fruits graveés Pancrace Bessa (1772–1835)
- 1809 Vienna Fragmenta botanica Nikolaus Joseph Jacquin [1]
- 1810 London Botanical Extracts Or Philosophy of Botany Robert John Thornton (1768–1837)
- 1810-13 Paris Histoire des arbres forestiers de l'Amerique septentrionale André Michaux (1746–1802) François André Michaux (1770–1855) Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840)
- 1811 London Pomona Herefordiensis Thomas Andrew Knight (1759–1838)
- 1812 London The British Flora Robert John Thornton (1768–1837)
- 1812-17 Paris Description des plantes rares cultivees a Malmaison et a Navarre Aime Bonpland (1773–1858) Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840)[1]
- 1814-27 Paris Herbier général de l'amateur Jean-Claude Michel Mordant de Launay (1750–1816)
- 1815-47 London Edwards's Botanical Register Sydenham Edwards (1768–1819) Sarah Drake (1803–1857) John Bellenden Ker Gawler (c1764) John Lindley (1799–1865)
- 1817 London Groups of flowers George Brookshaw (1751–1823)
- 1817 Nuremberg Deutschlands Flora In Abbildungen Joseph Sturm (1771–1848)
- 1817-18 Philadelphia Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States William Paul Crillon Barton (1786–1856)
- 1817-19 Philadelphia The North American Sylva François André Michaux (1770–1855)
- 1817-20 Boston American Medical Botany Jacob Bigelow (1787–1879)[2]
- 1818 Muscologia William Jackson Hooker (1786–1865) Thomas Taylor
- 1818-20 Musci exotici William Jackson Hooker (1786–1865)
- 1818-22 Paris Histoire Naturelle des Orangers Antoine Risso (1777–1845) Pierre Antoine Poiteau (1766–1854)
- 1819 Paris The North American Sylva François André Michaux (1770–1855)
- 1819-23 London William Farquhar Collection of Natural History Drawings William Farquhar (1774 – 1839)
- 1821-23 Philadelphia A Flora of North America William Paul Crillon Barton (1786–1856)
- 1821-26 London Collectanea botanica or Figures and botanical illustrations of rare and curious exotic plants John Lindley (1799–1865)
- 1823-32 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum Brasiliensium Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868)
- 1823-50 Leipzig Historia naturalis palmarum Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868) [1]
- 1824-39 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis A. P. de Candolle (1778–1841)
- 1825 Philadelphia Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States William Paul Crillon Barton (1786–1856)
- 1826 West Chester Florula Cestrica William Darlington (1782–1863)
- 1827 Icones selectae Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Brasiliensium Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868)
- 1827-33 Paris Choix Des Plus Belles Fleurs Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840)
- 1828 London The Pomological Magazine John Lindley (1799–1865)
- 1829-40 Flora boreali-americana William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865) David Douglas (1799–1834) John Richardson (naturalist) (1787–1865)
- 1831 London Illustrations and Descriptions of Camellieæ William Chandler Booth (1804–1874) Alfred Chandler (1804–1896) S.Watts Weddell
- 1831–34 London A selection of hexandrian plants, belonging to the natural orders Amaryllidae and Liliacae Priscilla Susan Falkner Bury (1793–1869)[1]
- 1832 London A Description of the Genus Pinus Aylmer Bourke Lambert (1761–1842)
- 1832-43 Oxford British Phaenogamous Botany William Baxter J.H. Parker Whittaker Treacher
- 1833-38 Brussels l’Horticulteur belge Louis van Houtte Charles François Antoine Morren Pierre Auguste Joseph Drapiez Michael Josef Francois Scheidweiler
- 1836 Paris Turin Histoire naturelle, agricole et economique du maïs Matthieu Bonafous (1793–1852)
- 1836 London The romance of nature or, the flower-seasons illustrated Louisa Anne Twamley Meredith (1812–1895)
- 1836-76 Icones Plantarum William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1837-8 London Sertum Orchidaceum John Lindley (1799–1865) Sarah Drake (1803–1857) M. Gauci[14]
- 1837-41 Amsterdam The Orchidaceae of Mexico and Guatemala James Bateman (1811–1897) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) Sarah Drake (1803–1857) Mrs Withers M. Gauci
- 1839 Paris Iconographie du genre Camellia Lorenzo Berlèse (1784–1863) [15]
- 1840 Die Natzlichen Und Schadlichen Schwamme Harald Othmar Lenz (1799–1870)
- 1840 St. Petersburg Illustrationes algarum in itinere circa orbem jussu Imperatoris Nicolai I Alexander Philipov Postels (1801–1871) Franz Joseph Ruprecht (1814–1870)
- 1840-1906 Flora Brasiliensis Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868) et al.[16]
- 1841-47 Iconographie descriptive des cactees Charles Antoine Lemaire Dumenil Maubert [1]
- 1843 A Flora of the State of New York John Torrey
- 1843 London Paxton's magazine of botany Joseph Paxton (1803–1865)
- 1843-46 Paris Flore d’Amérique dessinée d’après nature sur les lieux Etienne Denisse (fl. 1814-1845)
- 1844-73 Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis Alphonse Pyrame de Candolle (1805–1893)
- 1845-83 Ghent Flore des Serre Louis van Houtte (1810–1876) Charles Antoine Lemaire (1800–1871) Michael Josef Francois Scheidweiler (1799–1861)
- 1849 New York A Forget-Me-Not. Flowers from nature Clarissa W. Munger Badger
- 1849 Paris Histoire Naturelle des quinquinas, ou monograph du genre Cinchona Hugh Algernon Weddell (1819–1877)
- 1849-51The Rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1850-52 Brussels Album de pomologie Alexandre Joseph Désiré Bivort (1809–1872)
- 1850-52 London Paxton’s Flower Garden John Lindley (1799–1865) Joseph Paxton (1803–1865)
- 1851 A Century of Orchidaceous Plants William Jackson Hooker(1785–1865) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1851 Prague Beschreibung und Cultur Orchideen F Josst
- 1853 Paris Gramineae Chilenses Émile Desvaux [1]
- 1853 Vienna Pflanzen Blumen und Blätter Alois Auer (fl. 1840s-1850s)
- 1853-60 Annales de Pomologie Belge et étrangère Alexandre Joseph Désiré Bivort (1809–1872) Séraph Bavay
- 1853-60 Flora of New Zealand, Flora of Tasmania Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) [17]
- 1854 Amsterdam Handboek tot de Kennis, Voortkweeking van Cactus-soorten J. J. Krook
- 1854-60 Pescatorea Jean Jules Linden (1817–1898) François De Tollenaere Maubert
- 1854-96 Belgium L'Illustration Horticole Journal Special Des Serre et Des Jardins Charles Antoine Lemaire (1800–1871) Jean Jules Linden (1817–1898) Verschaffelt
- 1855 Illustrations of Himalayan Plants Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) [1]
- 1855-57 Paris Chloris andina : essai d'une flore de la région alpine des Cordillères de l'Amérique du Sud Hugh Algernon Weddell (1819–1877)[1]
- 1855-56 Physiotypia Plantarum Austriacarum der Naturselbstdruck Constantin von Ettingshausen (1826–1897)
- 1857 The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland Thomas Moore Henry Bradbury (1831–1860)
- 1858 Leiden Florae Javae et insularum adjacentium nova series Carl Ludwig Blume (1796–1862)[14]
- 1858-1900 Leipzig Xenia Orchidacea. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Orchideen Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823–1889) Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Kraenzlin (1847–1934)
- 1859 Dublin Thesaurus Capensis or Illustrations of the South African Flora William Henry Harvey (1811–1866)
- 1859 Nice Les Champignons De La Province De Nice Jean Baptiste Barla (1817–1896)
- 1859-60 The Nature-printed British Sea-weeds Henry Bradbury (1831–1860)
- 1859-60 Hortus Lindenianus Jean Jules Linden (1817–1898)
- 1859 Nature-Printed British Ferns Henry Bradbury (1831–1860)
- 1860 London Outlines Of British Fungology Miles Joseph Berkeley (1803–1889)
- 1862-65-91 London Select Orchidaceous Plants Robert Warner (botanist) (1814–1896) Benjamin Samuel Williams (1824–1890) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) James Andrews
- 1863 Vienna Beiträge zur Morphologie und Biologie der Familie der Orchideen JG Beer
- 1863-1884 London Pinetum Britannicum Edward James Ravenscroft (1816–1890)
- 1864-74 A Monograph of Odontoglossum James Bateman Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)[1]
- 1865 Handbook of the British Flora George Bentham (1800–1884) William Jackson Hooker (1786–1865) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1866 Paris Icones Euphorbiarum ou figures de cent vingt-deux espèces du Genre Euphorbia Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810–1885) Jean Christoph Heyland (né Kumpfler) (1792–1866)
- 1867 London A Second Century of Orchidaceous Plants James Bateman (1811–1897) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1868 Nice Flore illustrée de Nice et des Alpes-Maritimes JB Barla
- 1871 London Handbook Of British Fungi Mordecai Cubitt Cooke (1825–1914)
- 1871-1905 Leiden Musée botanique de Leide Willem Frederik Reinier Suringar (editor) A.J. Kouwels A.J. Wendel
- 1874 London A monograph of Odontoglossum James Bateman (1811–1897) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1875-94 Sydney Australian Orchids Robert D. FitzGerald (1830–1892) Charles Potter A.J.Stopps[14]
- 1876-92 Paris Dictionnaire de botanique Henri Ernest Baillon (1827-1895) Auguste Faguet (1841–1886)
- 1877-80 Monograph of the Genus Lilium Henry John Elwes (1846–1922) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892) [1]
- 1877-83 Manila Flora de Filipinas Francisco Manuel Blanco (1778–1845), Lorenzo Guerrero, Regino Garcia y Basa, Fabian Domingo, C.Arguelles, J.Garcia, Rosendo Garcia, Felix Martinez [18]
- 1880 Paris Les Orchidées. Histoire Iconographique ED de Puydt[14]
- 1880 Brussels Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de l'ille de Java Berthe Hoola van Nooten [1]
- 1881-93 L'Orchidophile; Journal des Amateurs d'Orchidées A. Godefroy-Lebeuf Guillaume Severeyns F. Stroobant Jeanne Koch.
- 1882-83 Berlin Deutsche Pomologie Wilhelm Lauche
- 1882-97 London The Orchid Album Robert Warner (botanist) Thomas Moore John Nugent Fitch (1840–1927) Benjamin Samuel Williams (1824–1890)
- 1885 London Orchids the Royal Family of Plants HS Miner
- 1885-94 Brussels Iconographie des Orchidées Jean Jules Linden (1817–1898) Lucien Linden Em. Rodigas R. A. Rolfe
- 1887-94 London A Manual of Orchidaceous Plants Harry James Veitch (1840–1924)[14]
- 1888 Argenteuil Les Cypripediées A. Godefroy-Lebeuf and Brown[19]
- 1888-94 London Reichenbachia: Orchids Illustrated and Described Henry Frederick Conrad Sander (1847–1920) Henry George Moon (1857–1905) Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892)
- 1890 Stuttgart Illustriertes Handbuch der Kakteenkunde Anton Daul
- 1891 Washington Plates 1849-1859 to Accompany a Report on the Forest Trees of North America Asa Gray (1810–1888)
- 1893-1913 London Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanarum extra-tropicarum Harry Bolus (1834–1911)
- 1873-76 Vienna Atlas der für den Weinbau Deutschlands und Österreichs Rudolf Goethe (1843–1911)
- 1894 Aepfel und Birnen Rudolf Goethe (1843–1911) Hermann Degenkolb Reinhard Mertens
- 1894 Brussels Les Orchidées Exotiques et leur culture en Europe Lucien Linden Alfred Cogniaux (1841-1916) G Grignan
- 1894 London The Orchid Grower's Manual Benjamin Samuel Williams (1824–1890)
- 1895 Berlin Handbuch der Tafeltraubenkultur Rudolf Goethe (1843–1911) Wilhelm Lauche
- 1896 London The genus Masdevallia Florence H Woolward (1854–1936) Friedrich Carl Lehmann
- 1896-1907 Bruxelles Dictionnaire Iconographique des Orchidees Alfred Cogniaux (1841-1916) Alphonse Goossens
- 1897-98 Washington Student's Hand-Book Of Mushrooms Of America Edible And Poisonous Thomas Taylor (1820–1910)
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y "Browse titles". Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ a b Donald Heald Original Antique Books Prints and Maps - Books
- ^ "OAI Record of Florae Altdorffinae deliciae hortenses sive catalogus plantarum horti medici quibus auctior erat MDCLX". Digital collections. University of Düsseldorf Library. Retrieved September 4, 2011. "<mods:city>Altdorf <Nürnberg></mods:city>"
- ^ Cincinnati Historical Society - Christoph Jacob Trew
- ^ Antique Botanical Prints by Filippo Arena
- ^ The Sassafrass Shop - Arena Prints
- ^ Bulbi da Fiore: Biografie degli Artisti ed Autori
- ^
- ^ a b "Flower Books (Illustrated)". Antiquariaat Junk. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ Dr. Robert John Thornton Gallery
- ^ Title continues: "comprehending, an elucidation of the several parts of the fructification : a prize dissertation on the sexes of plants ; a full explanation of the classes, and orders, of the sexual system ; and the Temple of Flora, or Garden of Nature, being picturesque, botanical, coloured plates, of select plants ... with descriptions."
- ^ Dr. Robert John Thornton Gallery
- ^ Astragalogia, nempe astragali, biserrulae et oxytropidis
- ^ a b c d e "Orchids". Antiquariaat Junk. Retrieved 2008-03-01.
- ^ Fine Antique Prints
- ^ Beitrag zur Flora Brasiliens /
- ^
- ^ Invaluable
- ^ "Record of Les Cypripediées". WorldCat. Retrieved September 4, 2011. "[by] A. Godefroy-Lebeuf and N.E. Brown."